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Podcast: Field Support and TrainingIn Antarctica, scientists conduct cutting edge research on a harsh and barren continent. It's no easy task, but to help make it happen the U.S. Antarctic Program employs small army of support staff to get these researchers the supplies they need, transport them to where they need to go and keep them safe throughout. Sep
Podcast: FuelsIn Antarctica, scientists conduct cutting edge research on a harsh and barren continent. It's no easy task, but to help make it happen the U.S. Antarctic Program employs small army of support staff to get these researchers the supplies they need, transport them to where they need to go and keep them safe throughout. May
Podcast: The South Pole TraverseIn Antarctica, scientists conduct cutting edge research on a harsh and barren continent. It's no easy task, but to help make it happen, the U.S. Antarctic Program employs small army of support staff to get these researchers the supplies they need, transport them to where they need to go and keep them safe throughout. Mar
A Next-Generation Antarctic Science StationIt's official, McMurdo Station will be getting a much-needed revitalization. The National Science Board, the National Science Foundation's (NSF) governing body, in February authorized NSF to begin a comprehensive rebuilding of the largest of the three permanent United States' research stations in Antarctica. Feb
Podcast: Research AssociatesIn Antarctica, scientists conduct cutting edge research on a harsh and barren continent. It's no easy task, but to help make it happen the U.S. Antarctic Program employs small army of support staff to get these researchers the supplies they need, transport them to where they need to go and keep them safe throughout. Oct
Science Bouncing Back From a Delayed StartThe first planes of the 2018-2019 Summer Season touched down at McMurdo Station's Phoenix Airfield in the afternoon of October 16th after more than two weeks of weather delays, the longest postponement of season-opening in recent memory. Delays of up to a few days are common for researchers and support staff, however a fifteen-day flight hiatus is very unusual. Aug
Podcast: MacOpsThe Antarctic Sun is taking a behind-the-scenes look at the workers and what they do to make science at the bottom of the world possible. This Episode: MacOps. Short for "McMurdo Operations," it's the central communications hub where operators keep tabs on everyone off the station. Jul
Fathoming Life Under the IceThis past austral summer season, two artists who specialize in science communication visited McMurdo Station to begin a multi-media, multi-faceted project with the aim of improving public knowledge of Antarctic marine life. Jun
We Are All ScientistsIn the midst of the austral winter, as total darkness and below-zero temperatures encompass McMurdo Station, the pace of science slows somewhat. A science fair organized by station residents in their free time at the end of May helped to keep the spirit of science and discovery at the forefront throughout. May
Podcast: Marine OperationsThe Antarctic Sun is taking a behind-the-scenes look at the workers and what they do to make science at the bottom of the world possible. This Episode: Marine Operations. On board the U.S. Antarctic Program's two research vessels, the marine projects coordinator and the marine technicians make sure that everything goes smoothly. Mar
Podcast: The Berg Field CenterThe Antarctic Sun is taking a behind-the-scenes look at the workers and what they do to make science at the bottom of the world possible. This Episode: The Berg Field Center. Known more popularly as the BFC, it's home to all the survival supplies a team of researchers working in the farthest, most remote corners of the continent would need. Jan
Podcast: The Lake Hoare Field CampAntarctica is a big continent, and often researchers need to work in regions far away from the main research station. The Antarctic Sun is taking a behind-the-scenes look at the workers and what they do to make science at the bottom of the world possible. This week: The Lake Hoare Field Camp Dec
Podcast: Helo OpsWithout any network of paved roads, getting around Antarctica's rugged landscape is tough. Helicopters are the primary means to transport people and equipment to the near field. The Antarctic Sun is taking a behind-the-scenes look at the workers and what they do to make science at the bottom of the world possible. This week: Helo Ops