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Searching for Inflation

Searching for Inflation

Science | Space and Atmospheric Physics
Monday August 01, 2016

Scientists working at the South Pole are trying to detect the imprints of gravitational waves from when the universe was only a tiny fraction (about one trillionth of a trillionth of a trillionth) of a second old. But first, they have to finish clearing away the galactic dust obscuring their view.

A Sticky Problem

A Sticky Problem

Science | Space and Atmospheric Physics
Monday April 27, 2015

A telescope launched 35 kilometers into the stratosphere above Antarctica had a singular mission: to detect the impossibly faint signal from when the universe expanded faster than the speed of light, a theory known as cosmological inflation.

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Clear Signal

Science | Space and Atmospheric Physics

Researchers with the BICEP2 collaboration recently announced that their telescope in Antarctica has allowed them to collect what they believe is the first direct evidence for cosmic inflation.


New Mode of Discovery

Science | Space and Atmospheric Physics

Scientists using the South Pole Telescope became the first team to detect a long-predicted polarization pattern in the afterglow of the Big Bang. The detection of this signal is a milestone along the way toward understanding cosmic inflation, the period of extremely rapid expansion of the universe.


Mission Complete

Science | Space and Atmospheric Physics

Its five-year mission: To survey the early universe for massive galaxy clusters, a search designed to understand more about one of cosmology's greatest mysteries, dark energy. Mission complete. Now the South Pole Telescope will begin a new quest to learn about the exponential expansion of the universe right after the Big Bang called cosmic inflation.


Inflation at South Pole

Science | Space and Atmospheric Physics

The theory of inflation holds that just a fraction of a second after the universe exploded into existence, it expanded exponentially. The search for the evidence that will finally prove or disprove one of the key concepts of the Big Bang model of cosmology has similarly expanded in the last decade or so. The South Pole Station has become one of the preeminent locations for that quest.

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